Sunday, February 24, 2008


I don't know who keeps posting these comments..but I would ask you to STOP! They are a waste of time..I certainly have no intention of accepting them nor will I be linking to the site. I keep getting comments like this " see here" or "warning see here"...and there is a link to a site which I will not link to...thinking its probably a virus or something. Has anyone else been getting them? The last one I got was from a user name of "duran".



Danielle said...

I got one once Louise, but after that one I never got any more. That sucks that you keep getting them!!! Its obviously a spammer. >:-(

Anonymous said...

You need to turn on the security feature on your blogger account that requires verification of comments (people have to enter in a list of letters). This should stop all computer generated messages. Hope that helps!


Louise said...

Thank you...I guess that is what I will do.

Anonymous said...

It's probably spam - see if you can add them to your spam list...

On a totally different note, you might be amused by my lame artistic attempts (hopefully you are amused and not horrified!!!)
Check out my blog:


P.S. Really enjoyed the pics of your trip!

The Warren Family said...

sorry to hear you are having trouble with spam.
I am new to this online community and am just starting up a blog of my own, I put a link to yours becuase I really enjoy reading it. If that is a problem just let me know and I will remove the link. It was great getting to see the pictures from your trip!!

Louise said...

No Problem at all Shannon. I too have been reading your blog as well!
Since adding the text verification the spam has stopped!

shelly said...

i clicked before I realized it was not a link to another blog...and yes it was indeed a virus bit thank God my virus protection blocked it

Anonymous said...

Hi Louise,
I'm with Global News in Fredericton, and was wondering how to contact you about a story I'm working on.
I can be reached at
Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Louise and Nathaniel, I am enjoying your pictures and stories and Congratulations on your new family venture. I was a traveller in your last trip to Ethiopia, giving grandmother support and am enjoying being Grandmother to a wonderfull little Ethiopian Grandaughter. All the best in your journey from Mama June~~~Remember me???

Louise said...

Ofcourse I remember you June! Thanks for your comment!! Nice to hear from you!