Arriving home.....
Well after being away from home for more than 2 was sooo nice to know we were almost there. We arrived into Toronto on the 11th at around 7pm. I am lucky to have an Aunt and Uncle who have worked their entire careers in the Immigration dept. at the Toronto Airport. They met us there with open and waving arms. As quick as she could my sweet Aunt was kissing Nathaniel and hugging us, welcoming us home. We went through Immigration without a problem...while my aunt showed off her new Grand Nephew (not proud at all). Then off to meet my dad and Step Mom...we snuck through a "secret" back instead of them greeting us, we were able to sneek up behind was fun. We were then able to head to the Sheraton Hotel (which is actually in the airport). It was so nice not to have to stuff the luggage in and out of a car. Everyone visited for a short while, and then we were ready for something to eat and bed. Being the starving Canadians that we were...I could not wait to have Chocolate milk and Cheese cake...and that's exactly what we ordered lol lol...but by the time it came...I was sooo exhausted I could barely finish it. Nathaniel was also ready for bed...and so a bottle and a diaper change later he was sound asleep.
That next morning he was up bright and early and Hillary was we left her to sleep and went down for breakfast. If you have never been to the don't know how crazy expensive their restaurant is.....23 dollars for Breakfast Buffet (insane!!!). Anyways it was good though...and Nathaniel was given a stuffed toy and a bib that says Sheraton Loves Me...cute!
By 10 we were all packed and ready to go...Our flight left at 11 and we made it to the gate by 10 30...just in time (cutting it a little close I know). PS if you are in the airport Sheraton...get a porter to take your bags..they are GREAT!
A quick flight home (not...a stop over in Montreal and 17 dollars later on Starbucks...another well missed home staple)...and we were landing in Fredericton.
Words cannot even begin to explain the emotions. I was crying before we touched down. Nathaniel was awake and in a good mood...I was sooo ready to get off that plane. We had to get off the plane we walked towards the terminal I could see my Mom and Barry standing in the hall...I couldn't get to them quick enough. Once I entered the terminal I was SHOCKED...I couldn't focus..there were SOOOOOO Many people there. I will let the pictures do the explaining :)
We Were Home FINALLY!
This brought tears to my eyes... to see your homecoming, after your long journey... and to remember that feeling as it was for us... a little different both times...
Loving that you are updating... I see my prodding did some good :)
Yup That was for you Sandi!! Your prodding did some good..and Nathaniel is snoozing.
Louise...welcome home "mommy"....I too have a few good to see you home with your little worth the wait eh????
All the best and Happy Birthday Nathaniel!!!!!
Connie (Ellen)
you look good in the pics for someone who has been crying since before landing. :)
How awesome are your friends and family! I love those pics of you guys in the airport!
Of course it was sooo fun to experience your home coming and it was the girls first one so we will never forget it !
You and Nathaniel were definetly meant for each other and i'm soo happy that we live close enough that we will see each other very often !
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