Monday, August 27, 2007

Week 10 of Waiting is Done! How much longer???

That is the million dollar question. Who knows! Its getting harder and harder each day to bear this wait for Nathaniel to come home. In the meantime...I have more work to do on his room..although it is certainly slowly coming together which is exciting!
Hopefully just a few more weeks..but its still hard to predict when I will get my travel date. Hopefully Soon!!!!


Jill, Trevor, Kohl, Aliah said...

Thinking of you all the time and can't wait till you get your travel news.
Keep you chin up my friend!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Louise, I hope you get some news soon. Nathaniel's care package is safely stowed away in my bag, so he will have it in a few days!! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh I hope you hear soon...waiting is the worst!!

Julie M. said...

We are thinking of you lots Louise, and hope you have your travel date soon!


Gina said...

Good luck with the wait, Louise! I remember it well. I got the heads up one month prior to leaving, and I traveled 4 months after my referral. So you may hear in 2 weeks! Hope you hear soon!


hazel said...

Hang in there Louise. It will be soon now.

The Hattons... said...

Yes ... I am getting anxious too. I want to know when you are going!

Brightlight said...

Thinking of you... hoping you hear soon! Gloria

Calico Sky said...

Louise, I really hope you have news and a travel date soon!!!

Rempel Family said...

I am so happy for you! You are exactly two months ahead of me and I can't wait to get our little ones home. Take Care.