Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Various Thoughts I got home tonight and on yahoo news...the news is that the government of BC removed parental rights from the parents of the septuplets to give them blood transfusions. Its about time in my opinion. At 25 weeks, prems at that stage will need multiple blood transfusion. Its ofcourse because the babies are septuplets that they are making news because this happens probably more than people think. These babies need these transfusions to survive and if the parent refuses the doctors need to lok out for the best interest of the babies. I guess being a NICU nurse gives me a little more insight on the matter.
So I am entering the 7 th month. IF they don't get moving on referrals I might go insane LOL LOL. I thoughjt it would be better after I got to the 6 month period...but after Christmas it was back to the humdrum of waiting.

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